Temperature Monitoring IVF

Blog tagged as Temperature Monitoring IVF

Case 3: The Phantom of the Heated Stage

Things that go bump in the night ... 
"It is surprising how temperature flows in a lab can impact on equipment."

Lab C: Something is odd with the heated stage. I've been doing some tests and I don't think it is the loggers... but I’m stumped!

We log the temperature of our heated stage 2...

07.07.21 08:02 AM - Comment(s)
Case 1: The Unwell Well
Interesting conversations often start with "something is odd" ...

"The temperature readout of the incubator says all is fine. However, the temperature graphs of the BrightSentinel system are saying a different story!"

07.07.21 08:02 AM - Comment(s)
Case 2: The Drifting Incubator

 What the drift is happening?

"The temperature readout of the incubator reads within range but the temperature data collected by the BrightSentinel system is noticeably different!"

07.07.21 08:02 AM - Comment(s)
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